The Trading Circle

The Trading Circle empowering women to trade out of poverty

Our Trading Circle Page is to promote our trading Circle stores In Brisbane and Sydney, to highlight events, fairs and markets that we attend as the Trading Circle and to link to our website the trading We sell a wide variety of products from our own producer groups in developing countries to enable women to use their local craft skills to trade their way out of poverty. By empowering women to help themselves, by providing fair price for their goods with no middle man we can give the support needed to develop business and help women feed, educate and look after their families and community.

The Trading Circle has two stores located on La Trobe Terrace Paddington Brisbane and Lackey St Summer Hill Sydney. Our online store is open for business at and you will also find us out and about at Fair Trade conferences, markets, events across Australia. Visit our blog via our website for our latest news and events, to volunteer and join the circle or to buy beautiful handmade unique homewares and gifts.

Retail and consumer merchandise